Mowing for the Good of Others
There are many ways we can be “of service” to others. The important thing, however, is for us not to hesitate or shy away from helping someone just because we think our assistance is no big deal. As this example points out, routine assistance can make a major difference in the life of someone with the need for it. So, if you see a need, even a small one, go for it…it will likely be a big deal to the one who receives it. Zachary Huntsman proves to us that this is true.
If your desire is to create a better future,
get to work and create a better today!
Wesam Fawzi
Talking vs. Doing
As we have written about in other lessons within this library, many of us talk a good game, but when it actually comes to doing something to make things better, we fall short. In summary, we’re long on words and short on action. But, it’s important to remind ourselves that the world doesn’t get better just because we think it should. You and I have to be willing to actually do something to improve things.

Zachary Huntsman is a young man who made the choice to do something to help those in need. Zachary wanted to help someone so, in fact, he did. Here’s more about this young man and what he did for others.
Zachary Huntsman is a 17-year-old (at the time of this writing) who lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Inspired by a local group to give back to his community in some way, Zachary started a free lawn mowing service to specifically honor law enforcement and veterans through his work.
“I’m trying to give back to our veterans and members of law enforcement. They’ve helped us by serving our country and city,” he said. “You see a lot of stuff going on these days…even people disrespecting our flag…it’s just disgusting.”
Huntsman says he wants to encourage more people to honor the sacrifices made for our daily freedoms. It’s also why he rides around with two large American flags on his vehicle and has them on his mower as well.
One veteran he helped, John Hilton, who had recently lost his job, said, “Some people mistakenly say that it’s no big deal. But it means a great deal to me. I was kind of losing faith in people because of everything that’s going on politically. I’m so glad to see someone his age stepping up and really helping someone.”
Zachary is now expanding his free service to the elderly and others in need. Clearly, he’s a young man who is doing something to make Memphis, and the world, a better place.
What about You and Me?
When it comes to improving circumstances or helping people get more enjoyment out of life, you and I, like everyone else, have to do something. We can’t simply hope that the elderly lady’s yard gets mowed. We have to put our phone down, get up, and go out and do it…like Zachary is doing. We have to follow his lead—his example—and put ourselves “to good use” in the service of others.
I’m sure there are needs in your town or neighborhood that require attention or “fixing” in some way. The question is simply this…will you go out and work to fix one of them?

One other point about the choice to do something to help others: This is not simply a one off choice that you might make as a young person. It’s much more important than that. It’s in fact the way you should live your life. We’ve talked in other lessons about your interests, skills, and feelings leading you to your purpose in life. And that purpose will have something to do with helping others in your own special way.
Finding ways to help others…ways that are also of interest to you…is, in effect, some “field research” concerning what you may ultimately want to do with your life. You are never too young or too old to consider your options and to experience the feeling that comes from helping others in some special way.
So, whose “yard will you mow?”